The Department of Marketing Communication at Emerson College prepares students to become leaders and innovators in a variety of industries, including entertainment, media, advertising, and PR. Housed in Emerson’s School of Communication, the department offers three undergraduate degree programs and three minors.

Bachelor’s Programs in the Department of Marketing Communication

Bachelor of Arts in Business of Creative Enterprises

The on-campus Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Business of Creative Enterprises (BCE) focuses on the interconnection among business strategy, creative thinking, and ideas, helping students learn about and adapt to an ever-changing economy. BCE prepares students to become executives, managers, and innovators in new or existing creative enterprises in the arts and entertainment, communication, media, and publishing sectors.

Bachelor of Science in Marketing Communication

The on-campus Bachelor of Science (BS) in Marketing Communication gives students a solid foundation for a variety of marketing careers. Through courses that emphasize the analysis of key marketing, branding, advertising, and public relations concepts and methods, students will learn how to conceive, plan, and implement marketing strategies for a variety of clients and contexts. They will also benefit from opportunities to put their classroom knowledge into practice through internships, student-run marketing groups, and competitions.

Bachelor of Science in Media Psychology

In the on-campus BS in Media Psychology program, the left brain collaborates with the right brain, which is both an art and a science—a specialized field of psychology that explores how media affects our sensory and cognitive processes.